Superhuman Clinical Abstraction

Transcend human quality and scale with Mendel


your Abstraction

With our Abstraction Workspace

Superhuman Quality

Enhance human abilities with machine collaboration. With Mendel, your team will see higher accuracy compared to that of a purely manual or purely automated abstraction approach.

Patient records uploaded to our workspace are first pre-abstracted by our proprietary AI models, given a confidence score, and then manually reviewed by either your team or our highly trained clinical team.

Superhuman Scale

Bring machine level scale to the abstraction process. Mendel doubles a clinical expert’s completed patients per hour compared to standard abstraction. 

Read More:

From identifying 2 patients to 250+

Clinically Smart Technology

Our proprietary AI technology is capable of understanding a vast and ever-increasing range of clinical contexts and attributes, at human expert level and machine scale. We guarantee quality and will handle corrections at no cost to you.

Targeted Corrections

We generate a color coding scoring system to reflect confidence in accuracy. The confidence score guides whether a human abstractor accepts the AI-generated output or if it needs validation.

AI Guided Review

We make it easy for an abstractor to review AI by pointing to the source evidence–document type and sentence. For example, if an abstractor is looking for a stage, AI directs the abstractor to a pathology report or might surface a sentence in the record that will help them review the output.

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